
I am a physicist at the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik in Greifswald, Germany as part of the Stellarator Theory group. My research focuses on plasma turbulence, and I spend most of my time developing numerical methods for plasma fluid turbulence simulations in non-axisymmetric geometries using the BOUT++ framework.

Selected Publications

As primary author
*indicates dual first authorship
Global fluid turbulence simulations in the scrape-off layer of a stellarator island divertor
B Shanahan, D Bold, and B Dudson
Journal of Plasma Physics , 90 (2), 905900216 (2024)
Filament simulations for stellarators; a review of recent progress
B Shanahan
Frontiers in Physics 12:1399287 (2024)
Estimating the error in filament propagation measurement using a synthetic probe
B Shanahan, C Killer, G Pechstein, S A Henneberg, G Fuchert, and O Grulke
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 125018 (2021)
Plasma filaments in the scrape-off layer of Wendelstein 7-X
C Killer*, B Shanahan*, O Grulke, M Endler, K Hammond, L Rudischhauser and the W7-X Team
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62 085003 (2020)
Filament simulations in regions of highly-varying parallel connection length
B Shanahan & P Huslage
Journal of Plasma Physics, 86 (3), 905860314 (2020)
Fluid simulations of plasma filaments in stellarator geometries with BSTING
B W Shanahan, B D Dudson and P Hill
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 0250007 (2019)
The effects of non-uniform drive on plasma filaments
B W Shanahan, B D Dudson and P Hill
Journal of Physics, Conference Series 1125 012018 (2018)
Blob Dynamics in Torpex poloidal null configurations
B W Shanahan and B D Dudson
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58 125003 (2016)
Towards nonaxisymmetry; initial results using the Flux Coordinate Independent method in BOUT++
B W Shanahan, P Hill, and B D Dudson
Journal of Physics, Conference Series 775 012012 (2016)
X-point modelling in linear configurations using BOUT++
B Shanahan and B Dudson
Journal of Physics, Conference Series 561 012015 (2014)
Coherence of turbulent structures with varying drive in stellarator edge plasmas
P Huslage, G Birkenmeier, B Shanahan and C Killer
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 66 (2024) 015006
A novel flexible field-aligned coordinate system for tokamak edge plasma simulation
J Leddy, B Dudson, M Romanelli, B Shanahan, and N Walkden
Computer Physics Communications 212 (2017) 59–68
Hot rolling of gamma titanium aluminide foil
S L Semiatin, B W Shanahan and F Meisenkothen
Acta Materialia, 58 (2010), 44464457


BOUT++ - My workhorse -- a framework for solving differential equations in curvilinear geometry.